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3 Things To Think About Before Renovating Your Basement
If you’re new to the renovation process, you might not know what to look out for, especially when it comes to renovating your basement. Below are some questions to think about before renovating your...
Upgrade Your Secondary Suite with Peak Improvements
Do you have an unused space in your home and are considering an additional stream of income? Secondary suites are a great option to increase your revenue and improve the value of your home. With the...
Where to Start a Kitchen Renovation
The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in your home. It’s called the “heart of the home” for a good reason. Your family and friends spend a significant amount of time there gathered around...
Improve Your Home with a Designer Kitchen
Remodelling your kitchen is an excellent idea if you're looking to update your space with the latest culinary trends or if you need extra room. For homeowners in Edmonton, kitchen remodels are one...
Advice for Planning Your Home Renovation in 2022
Are you looking at your home and thinking that 2022 is the year to make some changes? Whether you're looking to improve your current home to better suit your changing family and lifestyle or upgrade...
Home Renovations You Can Trust
Are you ready to make 2022 the best year yet and design the perfect space to call home? If you’ve been planning your next home renovation and are worried about sticking to a strict budget, Peak...